Presented a paper on “Stress Management Techniques: A Survival Sutra at Workplace”, at the national conference organized by SNS School of Management on 10th December 2010.
Presented a paper on “Cross training – an effective motivational technique”, at the national conference conducted by RVS School of management on 4th February 2011.
Presented a paper on “Metamorphism in Payment System: E Payment, A Boon to E- Business”, at the national conference organized by Sri Krishna School of Management on 4th and 5th February 2011.
Presented a paper on “Viral marketing: a promising business strategy”, at the International Conference organized by Nehru Institute of Management Studies on 11th and 12th February 2011.
Presented a paper on “E-Business: A World of Click and Conquer”, at National Level Management Fest organized by Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology on 11th February 2011.
Presented a paper on “Corporate Social Responsibility: A sutra for sustainability” at the International conference conducted by Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, Namakkal on 26th February 2011.
Presented a paper on “Talent Management – Driving Force for Employee Retention”, at the national conference conducted by School of Management studies, VELS University, Chennai on 18th & 19th April 2011.
Presented a paper on “The Employer Brand – A Tactical tool to attract, recruit and retain talent”, at the International conference conducted by Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, Namakkal on 23rd September 2011.
Presented a paper on “Intangible Rewards: A tool to foil talent erosion”, at National Conference conducted at RVS Faculty of Management, Coimbatore on 16th December 2011.
Presented a paper on “Gender Equality: A tool for productivity”, at International Conference on Competency building strategies in business and technology for sustainable development conducted at Sri Ganesh School of Business Management, Salem on 24th February 2012.
Presented a paper on “Survivor Syndrome: Survivor’s Guilt”, at International Conference on Competency building strategies in business and technology for sustainable development conducted at Sri Ganesh School of Business Management, Salem on 24th February 2012.
Presented a paper on “Employee welfare and safety measures”, at National Conference on Galloping of management practices towards global standards conducted at Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Salem on 16th March 2012.
Presented a paper on “Quality of Worklife”, at National Conference on Galloping of management practices towards global standards conducted at Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Salem on 16th March 2012.
Presented a paper on “Employee Recognition – A Gizmo for Employee Retention”, at National Conference conducted at Nandha College of Technology, Erode on 22nd March 2012.
Participated in two days Workshop on “Skill Development Workshop on ERP”, held at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 11th February 2011.
Attended a One day Workshop on “Empirical Research and Paper Publication”, held at KPR School of Business on 19th October 2013.
Participated in five days Faculty Development Program on “Data Analysis and Business Modelling”, held at Anna University, Coimbatore from 27th January 2014 to 31st January 2014.
Coordinated one day Management Event “Prabandha Kridha” at PPG Business School.
Organized one day Inter Collegiate Management Meet “Challenge” event at PPG Business School.
Conducted one day Workshop on “Group Discussion and Mock Interview”, at Arulmigu Palaniandavar College of Arts & Culture, Palani on 6th January 2017.
Conducted two days “Mock Interview”, at PPG College of Arts & Science, Palani on 29th and 30th January 2021.
“Cross training: An effective motivational technique”, Contemporary Practices for the success of Indian Business, ISBN 978-81-909150-4-5, February 2011.
“Talent Management – Driving Force for Employee Retention”, Emerging trends in business management HR and Strategic management, MacMillan Publication, ISBN 023-032-280-8, April 2011
“NEO: A Win-Win Approach for Employee Retention”, Asian Journal of Management, ISSN 0976-495X, Volume 02, Issue 04: October-December 2011
“Stress Management Strategies – A New Way to Achieve Success”, Asian Journal of Management, ISSN 0976-495X, Volume 03, Issue 01: January-March 2012
“The Employer Brand-A Tactical Tool to Attract, Recruit & Retain Talent”,Asian Journal of Management, ISSN 0976-495X, Volume 03, Issue 01:January-March 2012
“A Study on Employer Branding Strategies for Talent Retention”, Asian Journal of Management, ISSN 0976-495X, Volume 07, Issue 01:January-March 2016
“A Study on the Factors Influencing Employee Retention in IT/ITES sector with special reference to Chennai, South India”, International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences, ISSN 2320-4387, Volume 05, Issue 01:February 2017
Comparative Implication of Slogans in Different Language in SNS Journal of Marketing, Volume II, Issue II, ISSN No.0975-7627
Talent Management – The Era of HR in HR Challenges in Global Business, ISBN No. 938065726-9
Stress - Transcend Your Stress in Research in management – A contemporary approach, ISBN No., 978-81-9104-720-2
Crowd Sourcing – The winning edge for marketers in Crowd Sourcing – A new Management Paradigm, ISBN No., 978-93-81537-02-2
Impact of modern communication on organization development with special reference to KGISL, Coimbatore
Facets of Business Excellence and Computational Intelligence, ISBN No., 978-81-922849-5-8
Existence and Impact of lack of clarity Confusion on Laptop Purchase – A Post Purchase Opinion Survey in Asian Journal of Management, ISSN- 0976- 495X
Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) in banking operations in Modern management practices for business, ISBN No., 978-81-909275-0-5
Burn Out-A Slow Fizzle in EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies, Vol.2 Issue 6, June 2012, ISSN 2249 8834
Bank Marketing in the Indian Perspective – the Financial System, National Conference on looming Opportunities & Threats, September 2012, ISSN – 978-93-82338-23-9
An Empirical study on Factors influencing Competency development with special reference to Accurate Data Convertors Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore in International Journal of Research in Management & Technology (IJRMT), Vol. 2, No.6, December 2012, ISSN No., 2249-9563
An empirical study on organizational climate with special reference to water pumps manufacturing company at Coimbatore., Indo Asian Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, Volume1 Issue 1, December 2012, ISSN 2319-2992
A study on employees job satisfaction with special reference to coach factory in International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT & Management, Volume No. 3 (2013), Issue No. 01 (January), ISSN 2231-5756
A Study on Employee Engagement with special reference to Steel casting manufacturing company, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu in International Journal of Business and Management Invention, Volume 2, Issue 1, January. 2013, ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 801X
Emergence of RFID in Supply Chain Management – A Global Perspective, Emerging Dimensions in Management – marketing, February 2013, ISSN – 978-93-82338-33-8
An empirical study on the consumer's perception regarding the SWOT factors in Indian banks in Journal of Management and Science, September 2013 vol 3 issue 3, ONLINE ISSN 2250-1819 / PRINTED ISSN 2249-1260
Consumer perception on technology based services in banks in International Journal of Management Focus , September 2013 Vol 3 issue 3, ISSN 2277 – 5684
Saravanan, SV & Sowmiya. G ‘A Study on Disposal of Mortality Flocks in contract Poultry Farm Managed by Women Entrepreneur with Special Reference to Annur’, ISSN 0257–8050, vol. 32, Issue 3, Pollution Research Journal, IF 0.182.
Sowmiya.G & Saravanan, SV, ‘Contract Broiler Poultry Farming Creates an Financial Uplift to the Rural farmers in Coimbatore District’ ISSN 0251-8080, vol. 3, European Journal of Commerce and Management Research
Sowmiya. G & Saravanan, SV, ‘Contract Broiler Poultry Farming Uplift the Socio Economic Condition of Rural Farmers in Coimbatore District’ ISSN 0257–8050, vol. 33, Issue 1, Pollution Research Journal IF 0.182
Saravanan, SV & Sowmiya. G, ‘The Factor which Influences Rural Farmers to Start Contract Broiler Poultry Farming in Coimbatore District’ ISSN 0257–8050, vol. 33, Issue 1, Pollution Research Journal, IF 0.182
Sowmiya,G 2018, ‘ Bankruptcy code 2016’, paper presented at GRD Institute of Management (29.08.2018), organized by Dr.GRD Damodaran college of science, Coimbatore.
Sowmiya,G 2018, ‘ BitCoin ’, paper presented at GRD Institute of Management (29.08.2018), organized by Dr.GRD Damodaran college of science, Coimbatore.
Sowmiya,G 2017, ‘Entrepreneurial Development in Contract Broiler Poultry Farm in Coimbatore District’, Paper presented at National Conference on Entrepreneurship Development (03.03.2017), Organized by Dr.SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore
Sowmiya,G 2015,‘Contract Poultry Farming Transforms Farmers into Rural Entrepreneur’, Presented Paper at ICSSR Sponsored National Conference on Rural Entrepreneurship Development in India: Challenges and prospects(26th & 27th February 2015), Organized by Kaamadhenu Arts and Science College, Sathyamangalam, Erode
Sowmiya,G 2015,‘Contract Broiler poultry Farming Creates an Financial uplift to the Rural Farmers in Coimbatore District’, Presented Paper at National Conference on Managing Turbulence in Business (21st February 2015), Organized by Adithya School of Business, Coimbatore.
Sowmiya,G 2015, ‘Entrepreneurship Problem and Prospects in broiler poultry farm’, Presented Paper at International Conference on Contemporary Issues and Challenges of Indian Business in Global Scenario (20th February 2015), Organized by SNR Sons College, Coimbatore.
Sowmiya,G 2013, ‘Strategies for Employee retention’, Presented Paper in the National Conference on ‘ Management in New Era – Issues & Challenges’ held on February 14th 2013, Organized by Dr.G.R.Damodaran College of Science, Coimbatore
Sowmiya,G 2010, ‘Rural Entrepreneurship’, Presented Paper at National Conference on Metamorphosis Of Modern Management (10th December 2010), Organized by SNS School of management, Coimbatore.
Sowmiya,G 2010, ‘Green Vehicles’, Presented Paper at International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems and Management – IISM’ 10, Coimbatore on (10th – 12th June 2010), Organized by RVS Group of Engineering and Management Institutions, Coimbatore.
Sowmiya,G 2009. ‘Global Business Climate – Impact in India’ Presented Paper at Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, Namakkal, on 9th October 2009.
Attended two days meet on “Industry Institute Collaboration” Organized by EDI, Chennai, Anna University Regional Campus, Coimbatore and EDC – CIT on 17th & 18th march 2017.
Attended One day National Seminar on “Biosensors and Wearable Medical Devices” held on 11th March 2017 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
Attended One day National level Seminar on Innovative Management Practices held on 16th March 2013 at Dr. NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
Attended Three days’ workshop on Research Methodology held during 6th – 8th Sep 2012 at PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore.
Attended One day Seminar on Research Methodology held at Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 14th Aug 2012.
Attended One day international workshop on Research and Journal publication by Dr.S.Arunachalam (University of East London, UK) held at Christ The King Engineering College, Coimbatore on 18th Jan 2012.